On each page of photos (linked to at left), the drop-down menu under each preview photo shows the available sizes and prices. The sizes are standard US photo sizes, so that pre-made mats and frames will be available in many different stores. These photos are ideal for matting and framing. Visit art and photography stores such as Michaels and Hobby Lobby, to mention just two such stores, for pre-cut matting and frames in different sizes.
For directions on how to attach photos you have purchased to a mat and install in a frame, take a look at one or more of the web sites below.
"How to Frame Pictures Like a Pro" -- this best describes what I do with pre-cut mats and hanging photos with acid-free tape.
"DIY Custom Picture Frames" -- this tutorial gets you started in doing custom framing and mat cutting yourself.
"Mat (picture framing)" -- for those who want to know more terms and options, this Wikipedia article has the info.
"Framing 101: When to Float, When to Mat" -- presentation of the concepts of floating, matting, and framing to the edge.
"The Complete Guide to the Picture Framing Process" -- lots of details on various options for matting and framing.
"Mounting, Matting & Framing" -- thorough tutorials from the Academy of Art University on how to do-it-yourself in these areas.
"Mounting Art with Matboard" -- a less technical description of mounting pictures with videos of how to do it.
"Photograph Mounting Techniques" -- directions from a company who will also do custom framing for you.
Local Shoppers: If you live in the Harrisonburg (Virginia) area and would like your photos framed and delivered, please use the Contact Info form to obtain price quotes.
Photos ©2013-17 by Richard L. Bowman